One of the most crucial components to a successful business is being paid for the goods and services you provide. When a customer or client does not pay for these goods or services, it may be necessary to enforce legal action to ensure that you are paid. White and Bright's creditor representation practice was created to assist with problems like this.
Obtaining payment from a former customer or client is not always a simple process. Although your may not have willingly loaned money, you are considered a creditor in the eyes of the law and are entitled to the legal relief afforded to creditors under statutes and case law, as well as the relief provided in equity.
Our creditor representation services involve the full spectrum of necessary actions, from filing a proof of claim and responding to claim objections to moving for relief of stay and challenging plans of reorganization. We also argue against improper discharges, review disclosure statements, and take other measures to ensure that your business is adequately protected in bankruptcy proceedings. When necessary, we litigate adversary proceedings and conduct debtor examinations.
Our attorneys have experience assisting creditor clients in performing the activities necessary to prevail on claims for unpaid debts. Under Bankruptcy Code section 341(a), creditors must attend a meeting after a debtor files bankruptcy. At this meeting, often referred to as a 341(a) meeting, creditors and trustees are able to inquire into a debtor's financial situation. White and Bright can provide assistance in preparing for this 341(a) meeting as well as other dialogues and attempts to settle with the debtor.
As a firm that represents a range of local companies and small businesses, we understand how much depends on being paid for the goods and services you provide. We welcome you to contact us about our creditor representation practice.
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